Good luck with them making a swift getaway. First they have to warm it up before it runs on all cylinders (twin Webers, no choke), then work out how to find gears.
Someone at Techenders many years ago thought it would be funny to remove everyone's rotor arms. It might have been if he hadn't mixed them all up.
You can often locate a vehicle advertised online by using the sellers contact postcode then use Google maps satellite view to zoom into the postcode area which is only about 45 houses, then just match up the driveway/house/garden backgrounds in the advert photos.
My bus is immune to that one but the equivalent is hauling a wire off the crank sensor.. After you watch videos of people dragging buses out of their garage find scenario, you realise that 2 tons of metal with a fixed rubber skid on each corner is still movable with a decent winch on a heavy enough vehicle. Alll you can do is make it harder to steal. Even a steel post or padlock now has its countermeasure in a battery powered angle grinder.
They need to pack the center of locks with lithium so when the angle grinder hits them it goes up or high pressure gas