these are some of the cakes i've made... really need to get a camper 1 done... i made my neice a ballerina monkey cake as she always calls herself a cheeky monkey... i made my uncle a tintin cake...bit rushed this 1... :S cake for my friends birthday(1st 1 i ever made) dads 50th cake (dad and buster - weimaraner)
The day after my birthday is my brothers & it was his 21st so Danielle made (the 11 year old) made this:-
Brucieboy's wedding cakes Hey guys! Had to share this with you all, At the beginning of August my friends Wim and Jenni got married and a lot of their wedding was based around VW as theyre both hardcore dubbers, this was their wedding car (which is mine and I drove).. but the coolest thing was the cake! My sister made the cake and I made the models based on the cars they each have, Jenni has a cross over bay, Viking roof and Wim has a 58 Beetle, Hope you like them also how cool is this tea pot!! peace