
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dazzle, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. Just thought id share with you all, im 7 years sober today :)

    To think 7 years ago i was a shivering wreck who couldn't function without an alcoholic drink in me!

    I'm still a shivering wreck today but a sober one :))

    Life isn't great for me at the moment but no mucker can take away that away from me :)

    Positive vibes to you all guys and girls.

    Hope you have a top Valentines day and your other halfs (if you have them) spoil you rotton :)
  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    nice one daz stay strong.
  3. Good for you Daz.

    I'm not adverse to the odd pint or two but when you start to rely on it it's a downward spiral. Good to see you have got yourself out of the situation and are still strong.
  4. Well done mate, and keep this positive thing in your mind while you battle your other demons...

    They can, and have, been beaten.
  5. Thats the spirit or not in your case .well done mate ,that's a tuff one to sort out
  6. Stay with it dude, my other half has issues with alcohol and has just read Ozzy Osbourne's biography and said it has inspired her to kick the sherbert and live a life of sobriety.

    k to you 8)
  7. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    well done matey, thats a great achievement! not anything i have a clue about, but karma where it's deserved :thumbsup:
  8. Cheers peeps :)

    Reading rock star books helped me in a way. Sounds sad but ol Robbie Williams got me in a big way. Listen to his lyrics suddenly made me relise that i wasnt the only one who felt the way i did at the time. Then i read his book and instantly identified with what he spoke about. The battles with the demons. Inspired me to get help.

    Asking for help is the most difficult thing to do. Even more tougher than actually stopping it. Once you get to the place where you ask for help your on the right course :)
  9. Good work Darren ... next year is the 10 yr mark for my various Demons ... keep up the good work.
  10. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Good for you mate - positive thoughts from me to you ;)

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