this years spring problems

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by paulo, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. :thinking:Hi can anyone throw some light on why me bus has poor hot start when left for 5 mins and puff of white smoke. No smoke at any other time and runs very well. She has a remtec 1641 with twin carbs I have checked the timing spark plugs and have electronic ignition the carbs were set on the rolling road.One other problem is the fuel syphons into the sump when parked on my drive which is on a slope is there any way to stop this. Hopfully some one has come across these little problems and can help.

    Thanks Pauloh
  2. Park the other way round? I'm not sure but i suspect mine does this so that was my answer (until i can look into it a bit more) ;)
  3. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Nose up gave me syphoning, nose down is ok :thinking:

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