Heres mine... Its a '77 poptop and will be back on the road- as long as my dad stops buying Bedford CA's to restore!!!
best pic iv got as hardly any room either side. makes life hard work when working on it. im still rubbing down and prepping exteria for paint.
heres a better pic. believe it or not this is the colour iv chosen. now its on i realise it just looks like primer :
Here you go, Alice 1977 Twin Slider restoration, we love having twin doors ! No need to worry which side you pull up to and makes getting out of bed much easier with often better views ! Best Mark and Alison
Went to look at a bus last Wednesday and on initial (and only) inspection (in the dark) I thought hmmm sliding door is on the wrong side... must have converted it from LHD to RHD.. then when wandering around the other side of the bus... another sliding door Hardly had any time to play with it yet/ take any pics as bought it on a whim like you do when you already own 2 buses and a spitfire...