VWNW @ Tatton Park. 4th August.

Discussion in 'Shows Events You've Missed unless you went' started by Zebedee, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. iblaze, Babble, mousey and 3 others like this.
  2. Passes arrived this morning for the stand. Looks like we're under a big tree.
    2019-07-17 09.55.16.jpg
    2019-07-17 09.54.47_LI.jpg
    cunny44 likes this.
  3. Theres still 4 passes left at the moment if anyone else wants one.
  4. Could you hold one for me, please just in case? I need to check with my two lads to see if they want to do it, or not. They will have been on the road the previous weekend so might not fancy another adventure quite so soon.
  5. steve77bay

    steve77bay Supporter

    I'll have one please
  6. I've added you both onto the Tatton club passes conversation. My address is at the top of that conversation.

    If you get an SAE to me before the end of the month there should still be enough time for the pass to get to you.

    Send me an SAE and i'll post you out the pass.
  7. I spoke to my lads, they're not keen, which is a pity :( I may still try to talk them around, but I don't want to use up a pass on the off chance that my persuasion will work, it usually doesn't. If I am lucky enough to get to Tatton, I'll pop by to say hello. Please use the pass for someone else :thumbsup: and thanks.
  8. OK. Kids of today eh. :rolleyes:
    mousey and F_Pantos like this.
  9. steve77bay

    steve77bay Supporter

    Posted envelope, should arrive tomorrow,
    Zebedee likes this.
  10. Just over a week to go. :D
    mousey likes this.
  11. Can't make it this year
  12. Blimey- I better start saving up for the petrol and entrance fee
  13. Looks like i'm on the gate at my usual time. :thumbsup:
    2019-07-27 14.57.28.jpg
    mousey and bernjb56 like this.
  14. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Will you be letting TLB people in for free?
    mousey and cunny44 like this.
  15. Everyone is usually in before then. The only people who turn up that late are either people with staff or VIP passes.
    Terrordales and cunny44 like this.
  16. Have a good day ladies and gents. Shame I can’t make it this year.
    Betty the Bay likes this.
  17. Sorry you can't make it Simon. At least it won't be showing mine up when parked next to us.
    Zebedee likes this.
  18. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    Knowing how long it takes to get my wife motivated in the morning, I may see you at the gate !
  19. I'll be bringing these raffle tickets if anyone fancies some.
    2019-04-01 10.35.31.jpg

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