3D TV...Hmmm...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Soggz, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. got a samsung 3d tv and i get mixed results. 3d blue ray is excellent. when you're converting 2d tv to 3d it can be hit and miss. doesnt like lots of white in the background as it can be a bit hard on the eyes but everything else it seems fine.
  2. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Agreed! Its about creating a desire for unnecessary stuff, which lets face it, we all probably buy into to some degree...but 3D tv? I remember going to see Avatar in the cinema in 3D, and it cost more than the 2D screening....Great film and I loved it, but I'd have enjoyed it as much in 2D....if a programme/film is good, it doesn't need 3D. So we're in no hurry to buy one....we only got flat screen a coupla years back and only because our old big lump TV packed in, if it was still going we'd still have it.....but we're told, oh you must have HD tv, or you must have Blue ray....why?
  3. They are polarised I think. When I went to the cinema to see my first 3D film the glasses I picked up from the bin on the way in didn't work just made it a bit blurry, very disappointed I was and wondered what the hype was, when I went out to use the loo I put them back and got another pair and they actually worked. So there must be different polarisation standards.
  4. The glasses are polarised, with each lens filtering one half of the signal.
    Having worked on too many 3D TV & film jobs, it's a pain from start to finish. It's twice the work on the post production as you need to create two entire pictures for the Left eye and Right eye. Then add the pain of tryingto do VFX over the top of it. Plus the footage never works straight out of the cameras, so costs time and money fixing every shot. So it's much more expensive to make 3D programmes & movies. Then there's converting 2D to 3D for films, which will never look as good as actually shooting it in 3D from the start.

    The BBC are currently finishing the 50th anniversary special for Doctor Who, which will be their last foray into the format. I'm amazed they got the budget to make it in 3D (I know how tight money has been on the show over the last few years). I narrowly avoided having to put it all together, something I am very grateful for! The sooner 3D disappears the better in my opinion.

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