America Strong ??!?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Wireless, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. I'm up late and watching BBC News 24, and the have ABC News re-run for an hour from the US, they have a feature called America Strong, whatever the hell dipMarmite idea that is, where they have stories that make them all feel good about themselves, cos they can't just feel good, they need to be told to feel good by some ageing News Anchor Bird.

    The two stories tonight, how to sell your crap you never use, cos you're too stupid to think of it yourself, and some women raising money for bullet proof vests for Police Dogs, or K-9 Units as they say over there. Only in America eh?

    Apparently, this makes America Strong, but to anyone with a brain that lives outside the US and not a US Citizen, it just makes America Look Sad.

    Complete Dross, I just don't know how they get away with airing such junk.
  2. Apparently, some people actually watch it, even though it's on in the middle of the night!
    Lord Congi, jivedubbin, kev and 3 others like this.
  3. For a country with so much to offer the world, they do a fabulous job of not promoting themselves in the most positive light lol Shame really, I've been to the states a couple of times and really liked it...
  4. I've always thought there's something missing in the genepool that side of the pond.
    This programme and others like it, give me confirmation.
  5. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Hmmmm, all it really confirms is that a section of US society may feel the need to be made to feel better about themselves, not all or even most of em..... Difficult enough making generalisations about UK society so there's absolutely no chance with the septic tanks....
  6. Being a Taxi driver I pick up quite a few American service guys, one told me and he was convinced that the UK were planning to attack America? And that the population of the UK was greater than the whole of the good old U S of A.
    His plan to stop this was to destroy out economy, when I asked him how he replied " by not selling you tobacco "
    I asked him if he came from West Virginia? How the he'll did you know that he responded! Just an educated guess I replied. When I dropped them at the base I could hear him asking his buddies how I knew where he came from.
    He was serious, scary isn't it to know we are under the safety of their nuclear umbrella.
    altair, zed and Dicky like this.
  7. ^this. You wouldn't judge the UK by watching an episode of Flog It, would you?

    The US is a great place, not without its problems, but that applies everywhere. To convince yourself, go there!
  8. Not all Americans are gun toting dipMarmites.

    Most of them are but not all


    Seriously though, I love America. With all their insecurities, arrogance, ignorance and predudices put to one side I think Americans are great. How can you not like a nation which gave us burgers, Britney Spears fantastically dirty hooters and George W Bush?
  9. And of course MVF. Dave wouldn't be worth watching without MVF
  10. Actually, Flog It is quite entertaining, informative, and intelligent, the wife loves it.
  11. Some of us suffer from back pain, having suffered a smashed spine in a road accident, often painful enough to disturb sleep, and rather than disturb the wife I self medicate and have a mug of tea, hence sometimes being up n the middle of the night...
  12. Why are half of you driving Merkan imports if you dont like em?

    I love Merkans and their war on Tourrists !

    Why should they give a poop about what the rest of the world thinks about them. I dont give a poop about what they think about me. I think it was the Yanks that drafted a plan between the wars to declare war on us and invade Canada but dropped it as they thought they would lose! (as did Hitler apparently). Perhaps Golden Virginia should google that - "War Plan Red"

    There was a parallel plan to wage simultaneous war against the British Empire and Japan (wonder if the Japs found out and got in there first - I wonder)
  13. I do not like America for inflicting George W Bush on us all. A man who, without the powerful family connections would probably have ended up as a paperclip salesman in the Mid-West.
  14. The other day I got up and I watched Ice road truckers, I got bored of this and turned over to watch swamp loggers. this was a bit repetative so I switched to gold rush. I dont have much interest in gold so then watched suns of guns. When this finished, lizard lick towing came on but by that time, my brain had rotted and I'd somehow lost 8 hours of my day. it got dark by this time and the day was wasted. Despite all of the possible educational gains i'd somehow only learned how to talk like i was asking a question all of the time? much to the annoyance of the mrs? she forbids me to spend the day watching amercan tv now :(
    Joker likes this.
  15. He's an extremely clever bloke actually. Just mis-understood
  16. Dont watch Duck Dynasty for gods sake!
  17. American tv is a large contributor to why a lot of Americans are so ignorant to what is happening outside of America. Their news is very pro-American, and much of the rest of their programming is dumbed down or downright dumb. If it wasn't for Jon Stewart and The Daily Show, and a few other noteable satirical/political shows being pretty popular there, there wouldn't be much in the way of the sort of programming that we're lucky enough to enjoy here.
    As bad as some of our telly is, its streets ahead of the US.
    snotty likes this.
  18. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    (Adjusting ear trumpet) Did Dicky say he likes merkins?
    Dicky likes this.
  19. Ha, I was thinking the same, but don't know the guy well enough to comment.
  20. The company I run is solely reliant on the US and products manufactured there. Based on my numerous trips to see companies over there, and also the guys who supply me, I have nothing but positive things to say about them. I guess I might be biased though as I deal with like minded people as well as our business being based on chemical engineering which brings a certain level of intelligence. The guy who founded the company that supplies me is only in his 40's but is worth around $50m dollars and started life as a chemist. I find him quite inspirational.
    Lord Congi and snotty like this.

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