Anyone ever covered their bare a*se with Marmite?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by snotty, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Think I've gone off marmite, shame cos I liked it!
  2. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    I could possibly comment but I like Marmite but only sometimes.
  3. I'm doing it right now, so far it's disappointing
    Birdy likes this.
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Are you reciting the mantra? :rolleyes:
  5. Are you facing west?
  6. oh FFS, anybody got a manual?
  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    This is a regular requirement for tlb members !

    i do it as a daily ritual after washing my teeth each morning , i have a little mat that i almost religiously lay out on the bathroom floor i then point it west as that is the only place i can kneel , i cite a little home made mantra ( it's not ****e its marmite , it's not ****e it's marmite ) just moments before falling to my knee's jar in hand and two handedly spreading that delicious thick viscose cream on my bottom cheeks , it has healing compounds and is the only way to start the day .

    get a grip Paley :rolleyes:
  8. To conclude, I normally clap my hands three times and shout "Oooh, Matron!". But then I'm orthodox.
  9. Damn, so facing east and doing it while chanting Om Mani Padme Hum is wrong? I'll sue that eastern mystic when I find him again.
  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    That is the tantric way - not wrong just different!
  11. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    you lot are soooooooooooooooo random, thats why i love yer lols ;)
  12. That only works in Bolton.

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