Can someone explain Twitter to me?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, May 9, 2013.

  1. I understand forums, Facebook, email, text, telephone, some morse code and even semaphore but I just don't get twitter.
    How's it work and what's it's purpose?
    paradox likes this.
  2. Good question, thanks for asking.
  3. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I think its for those that assume people are hanging off their every word...
    DaisyJuckes likes this.
  4. I think its a way of forcing you to only reduce your tedious comment to x number of characters. I would say its the equivalent to texting online. Yet more pointless cr@p for people to waste their time online.

    Got up today...
    Had a poop...
    Had breakfast...
    Had a shave...
    Went to work...

    See what I mean?
  5. Self promotion. Pointless. All this hash tag rubbish. Don't get it and don't want to either.
  6. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  7. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    nevertheless, it is growing and breaks news faster than any other media, if you use it correctly you can find out fact not media bull, i love it.
    Ermintrude likes this.
  8. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I had a look years ago and decided it was Marmite.
    Not my thing so won't be going back.
  9. I dont see the value in it either, I view it as like texting, but to lots of people at the same time, people that are following you. You can also use a hashtag thing by putting a # in front of one of the words, then even more people see it. then other people can retweet it which is just like forwarding an email.
  10. Think of it as *****ter, that sums it up for me
  11. Hash tag explain twitter?

    Dont really get it either, post on it occasionally though usually having had a couple of interesting beers, dont get farce book either though, probably because im not a socialite and hate everyone.
  12. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    the hashtag is used to group tweets in one place - such as the hashtag for the new superman film #manofsteel, i'll agree twitter can be full of rubbish as can any online media but if you use it correctly - or to your specific needs you'll enjoy it, i really like formula 1 so i follow drivers/teams/presenters etc and get honest and correct info and links direct from the horses mouth.
  13. I enjoy Twitter. One of the first sites I check in the morning. Good source of news, opinion, reviews, banter, debate and sideways looks at the world. It's just a format for content after all and there's content from a myriad of people and groups on there.

    Saying you don't like it is like saying you don't like books because cookery guides and Peter Andre's autobiography aren't your thing. Twitter is about following accounts that are of interest to you, that help you discover something new or even help your business.

    I follow accounts as diverse as an astronaut on the ISS to a scientist rebuilding coral reefs by using robots (my cousin in fact) to a repository of photos of sleeping Tube passengers, to a few fellow Bay drivers.
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  14. I had a flutter with twitter (does that make sense...). Really, I just followed various comedians I like, so I could read their witticisms, and also followed a few local sites where I got to hear about 'what's on' things which otherwise I wouldn't have known about. A few random people chose to follow me, but I never tweeted (and I've no idea who they were anyway). I quite enjoyed using it, but think that was mainly because I was choosy who I followed. Life started to get in the way, so I stopped using it.
  15. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    For the most part it cuts out the media - and gives a direct line to the public (a lot of celebrities for example use PR bods for facebook as it a pain in the Harris to upkeep).

    For the most part its people controlling their online persona - twitter tends to be the drivel no one cares about or 'positive' stuff about a persons life. I think it has the benefit of giving feedback very quickly to a user too - though like most things there are downsides. Do we see the full persona - very rarely.

    An issue with it is it can make 'fact' by consensus with little comeback but real ramifications an everyday occurance.

    I don't understand the dialogue - it seems to whittle the language down to the text equivalent of grunting and farting for most users, but hey ho.
    Majorhangover likes this.
  16. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    It's absolutely nothing like saying I don't like books.
    If I want to find information I am more than capable of doing so without using tw@tter.
  17. I just cant be arsed. I don't want to communicate with the world. Besides ive nothing that interesting to say. "Just had a sh.."#Andrex. "My monkey has no nuts" #maycontainnuts

    Mind you, if I thought for a moment I could call the entire world a bunch of @$%&* and be read by the entire world, then i'd reconsider. #megalomaniac
    Keith.H and Majorhangover like this.
  18. Hmmm. I've reread my post a few times and can't see where I've said that you aren't or even hinted you don't have such capability. I bet you're brilliant at finding stuff.

    Perhaps a better analogy would be to say that it's like saying one dislikes books because they are rectangular and papery. It's then all about the format and delivery than the content and content writers.

    Or maybe I don't care enough to prattle on defending a website I don't have shares in. I just think the knee jerk "I don't get it therefore it's s**t (and did you know you can misspell it hilariously?)" needs a counter.
    Mrs Moosey likes this.
  19. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    My point was that twitter users mainly say what a great source of news it is. The fact i dont like it, and prefer other sources of information, is hardly the same as saying i dont like books.
  20. It's exactly the same. If someone said they don't like books to get their information but liked some other medium it would be the same basic argument. It's a critique of the format while dismissing the value and variety of the content.

    I'm not suggesting you don't like books. Only a stupid person would say that because they're, well, books.

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