carb cleaning

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by matty, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. matty

    matty Supporter

    i have my carbs in bits and wondering what's best to clean the varnish stuff off with
    i was thinking the spray you get might not get every where and was wondering if soaking in vinegar over night would be better or will it dissolve the alloy
  2. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Thinners is good for petrol staining.
  3. 2 pack or celly thinners matty dude
    White vinager is very good for removing corrosion but leave it in two long and it will eat the carb

    matty likes this.
  4. This is one of my carbs before i put it in the ultrasonic cleaner [​IMG]
    paradox likes this.
  5. And after, [​IMG]:)
    Majorhangover, vdub brvs and paradox like this.
  6. Pics of afterwards please:thumbsup:

    I bought a small cheap ultrasonic cleaner recently and im impressed enough that i will be buying a larger one when ive the funds

    camper123 likes this.
  7. matty

    matty Supporter

    very nice but hard for me to justify the cost of a cleaner for the use it would get
  8. Do you have a palm sander or a flat sander for woodwork matty?

    If so then strap it with no paper fitted to a tub and drop your carb parts in with some thinners and turn it on
    Its not ultrasonic as such but makes a very good agitator
  9. the after picture is above^
  10. What cleaner have you got dude the after pic is very impressive
  11. Like this matty dude

    matty and oscar like this.
  12. I like that. Will try it this weekend. :)
  13. If using thinners make sure you check it doesent melt or soften the plastic tub first
    Its not ultrasonic as the guy claims but it does agitate the solution very well
  14. Is that just normal paint thinners you use?
  15. I tried washing up liquid in mine to start with, and then i tried the proper carb cleaning solution and its like night and day
  16. matty

    matty Supporter

    Thanks for that i am off to get some thinners and make a mess of the garage
    zed and paradox like this.
  17. You might try immersing it in a pan of brake cleaner. Still needs a toothbrush scrub and blow through, tho'. A can of air-duster works well if you haven't got an air line.

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