how much does your bus mean to you?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by johnnysensi, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Well that made me cry ! Does not take a lot though -even a hardened, aged, rock chicks has a heart ( sshhh don't tell anyone).

    My bus is full of memories and the paths that we travelled to get it and get here, owners of a rusty old dub, its also full of hopes and worries for the future as well as plans. I know for many its just a bus, however we all have different views and opinions on life and bus's ...............:thumbsup:
  2. Marzydj

    Marzydj Supporter

    Not to get over gushy and bring the mood down...
    But our van has suddenly became more than that the week we picked it up. My wife's mum gave us some money to buy it as we were short, the day before we picked it up we found out she has a terminal illness and may not make it to Christmas. Perhaps that's we were so disappointed when we found the problems with it.

    She's thrilled that we've bought the van to have 'adventures' in with the children and was over the moon when we said we're going to call it Molly!
    oxiderenegade likes this.

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