
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mary, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. In the van is a full container of carlube HD30 diesel motor oil specification API cc/se is this supposed to go in my 1600 if not please can you tell me a good brand as i need it now
  2. Oooooohhhh are you ready for the debate! good quality 15/40 mineral for me:)
    Lord Congi likes this.
  3. Don't use diesel motor oil. If you suspect that is what is in the engine now drain it out, flush through with some oil then drain it again
  4. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    And put some new non diesel oil in it.

    We've been doing end to end processes in work this week - everyday is a school day!
  5. Yes, I didn't think he'd be enough of a dumbass to not put oil back in it! Kind of assumed that don't use diesel oil would be enough of a pointer... but you're right, end to end is the way to go if you're dealing with people who are as thick as pig s.hite
    Moons likes this.
  6. Thank i wouldnt put anything in without asking.... so what oil do i need to get oil light is on hardly anything in it cant keep switching engine on and off soz 4 broken english on phone
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    15/40 mineral any brand. You change it every 3,000 miles as a matter of course.
  8. If the Carlube is 30 grade (assume it is), it's a bit thin for your motor. 15W40 would be better.
  9. Thank u all
  10. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    Whatever happened to 20/50 o_O
  11. 20W/50's fine as well (my van's full of it). Bit too thick for a new engine, if you've got one, but otherwise ok.
  12. Weird , been working all day at a home job that I had but did not really want to do ,downed tools ,went for cargo ,sis phoned saying she is on way over wiv scoff for me so that left what to do wiv my evening ,? log on and joy! the oil question ,thank you ,that's my night sorted then> mine ,(prior to loosing interest?) gl4 stuff for g/box and Morris for engine.(flameproof suit is on chaps )
  13. Can I ask why you cant use diesel oil? I have in the past reads a few threads where people put diesel oil vws . aren't some modern fully synthetic oils fit for both .....
  14. The castrol 10/40 I'm using at the moment says it can be used in both. Done about 1000 miles now and it's been fine.
  15. I have used semi synthetic in mine and it was okay. I think the moral is whatever you put in it, make sure it's changed on a regular basis. Personally, I don't let mine go to 3000 miles before it's changed.
  16. maybe the PO had access to free oil for diesels at work and used that rather than pay for his own?
  17. the dip stick is showing hardly any oil, do you think it's ok to top up with the correct oil?
  18. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    why not just change it - if it's that low and you're unsure then you're wasting "the correct oil" by mixing it.....
  19. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    The Halfrauds one is fine. I used it for years.
    Lord Congi and Mary like this.

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