Philips hue Auto home lighting

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by matty, May 13, 2013.

  1. Brilliant:thumbsup:
  2. Had it quite a while now, supprised how it soon mounts up.
    The Ethernet points in the boxes makes a strong internet connection in the rooms they are in
    Lardy likes this.
  3. Funny that, after HP aquired Digital they went from one to two class A consecutive networks so they potentially had over 33 million public IP addresses we used to joke that every light bulb in all their buildings worldwide and still have millions spare
  4. IPv6 you could probably connect every atom in the universe.

    Edit: I must confess that professionally I play a part in this "internet of everything" wheeze. I can assure you that laying paving slabs, as I have been recently, is infinitely more satisfying...
    NatchoNatchoMan likes this.

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