Today is Lefthanders Day

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bernjb56, Aug 13, 2013.

  1. Now the big test, I'm off for a poo
  2. i was going to sugest that if you could cut a piece of wood (straight) with your right hand, try and do it with your left hand but after looking at your toast don't bother because its a sure way you will become a left hander by default......:oops:
  3. Ok, that didn't go so bad. It helped that I had a ghost poo
    CollyP likes this.
  4. CollyP

    CollyP Moderator

    @Joker Now try using scissors!
  5. I will, once I've found my gauntlets
  6. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    But that could have been Gotham City calling......

    Saying that, a left handed Batman might not have been as useful, especially if he's on probation left handed training.
  7. OMG, everything in your world must be a complete danger!

  8. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Now try driving to casualty left handed, with some of your fingers in a pack of frozen peas!!!
  9. I'm stuck watching Homes Under the Hammer as I can't even turn the TV over!

  10. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    It's interesting that your photo's are no better even though you are using the superior right hand to hold the camera....
  11. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter


    If you don't survive the day, it's not my fault ;)
    Top Banana Racing likes this.
  12. What grade are you?
  13. After (yet another) serious get off whilst bike racing I found this absolutely the most difficult thing in the world to do, most other things I could manage left handed, even basic writing, but this I found impossible, strangely there weren't a huge number of volunteers to help me out either. :(
  14. Iam completely cack handed ,got all that left hand behind back at a seriously serious catholic school, no effect whatsoever, its to do wiv the way the brain is wired ,e.g. guitar cord diagrams , for right handed dudes, wasted on me, I sit and stare and try to work out how to reverse them ,nope ,don"t work ,so many peeps(still) say when they see me write"oh your left handed, and don"t you put the paper at a strange angle?"45degree from straight edge of table(in case you were thinking bout that one) that I now say to peeps "oh, right handed then I see?" and I'm still confused as to why in reflection in a mirror ,whichever hand I raise ,its on the wrong side re real life (if you see wot I mean?) advantages of which there are soooo many? cop a right handed bird! (corrie fisters will get that one immediately)<groan.
  15. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    A star.
    Top Banana Racing likes this.
  16. i cant do anything much with my left hand sept hold a fork :) my old business partner was left handed so i let him do the left handed stuff n i did the right, if they are genuine why do they look so cack handed :confused:
  17. Have you not wiped yet;)
  18. I'm a lefty, my wife and sons are lefties but my daughter is a righty, Heres another lefty.
    oxiderenegade likes this.
  20. Id hazard a guess that the milkman is right handed
    beatnick, Silver and rickyrooo1 like this.

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