David Cam to up price on ya booze

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dinky2, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. From what i hear on day break, upping the prices, even in supermarkets :thinking:
  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    as if a pint in a pub isnt pricey enough. wouldn't mind if he just came out with the honest reason-
    'i'm putting up the price of booze as the country is broke and we're desperate for the extra tax money!'
  4. The regular pee heads will still be out drinking whatever the price is
  5. i HATE Cameron ......
  6. Me i think its daft, in the way it isnt going to solve the problem unless they ban making your own coz thats all they will do, just a problem thats never going to go away am afraid,

    My daughter said to me i cant wait till am a bit more older, then me an you can go around town, i just said wont happen, Town isnt like it used to be when i started drinking, people dont go out for a nice time, people now go out to get leathered and start trouble, then the people that are out for a nice time get ropped up in all the pee heads,

    I dont think thats fun, even tho i dont drink, i think better things to spend my money on and my time on other intresting things, than watching pillocks and muppets acting fools.

    what happened to popping local for a packet crisps, drink and a good old game of pool, hell yehhh ;)
  7. Everyone will still drink the same, we'll just be poorer doing it!
  8. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    To be honest I think its getting better. 10 years ago you couldnt go out in town without atleast seeing a big fight, if not getting mixed up in one. We go out into the centre of Bristol a lot now and I honestly cant remember the last time I saw anything other than a bit of beer brovado argey bargey.
    I think all theyre tyring to do is bring in a minimum unit price to stop supermarkets selling their own brand beer for thruppence a can. Cant be a bad thing as no-one I know drinks that crap anyway!
  10. Do you think the government is subtly trying to ban smoking and drinking? Year after year they push the prices up, for what? To hope people stop drinking and smoking, something the government encouraged for years as they made so much money from. Now it's for the greater goods health. Yeah righto.
  11. Thing is, if everyone stopped drinking and smoking, this country would fall flat on its arse.
  12. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    If they truely wanted people to stop smoking, theyd just ban it. They dont because it probably brings more into the countries coffers than it costs. Thats why they ******* around with stupid ideas like the smoking ban and blank packets.
  13. They tried that in the 30's though and it didn't work, ended up with a massive underground bootlegging industry and the government realised they were loosing out on loads of tax money
  14. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    It wont be the bootleggers who make a mint, it'll be the counterfeiters.
    Its already been passed in law in Australia and its looking like coming in here in the not too distant future. All the big manufacturers are taking it to court in Aus, and waiting to see what happens here. The legislation is pretty harsh. Everyone has to use the same fonts etc as well as the same materials. It'll be a counterfeiters dream.
  15. As long as they don't up the cost of the raw materials (yeast, ginger, sugar) we will be fine ;)
  18. It's a simple economic policy. We send so much money each year on the problems that arise from drinking, from health issues to fights, public disorder, damage etc. The number of people involved to fix one drunk mans head injury from a fight is huge;

    think along the lines of:
    telephone operative on the end of a 999 call,
    police station staff admin,
    police officer to break up fight,
    police admin to write up fight,
    ambulance staff,
    hospital admin to write up notes,
    local doctors surgery for any follow up

    All paid for by the tax payer...and that's before you mention long term drunks or health problems.

    They want to spend less on the NHS so they have to stop the cause of the main expense.

    Now the Government can never ban alcohol and tobacco as the revenue they get from it is massive but there has to be a balance. They can tax it more, so the price rises, fewer people buy it or at least buy less of it, therefore less treatment is needed so less is spent on the NHS.

    It is what any government does, whether red, blue or yellow, they all just do it in different ways depending on their political lean, the economic situation and how nice they want to appear to the country.

    Personally I think Cameron et al are doing what is necessary. I don't like it and don't like my money not going very far but I'm glad we have people in charge that are being tough about it and standing up and saying 'we are in the crapper and need to sort it out' rather than the last government who were all 'isn't this fun, what's that you say, financial problems on the horizon, ah sod it someone else can sort that mess out...'
  19. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

  20. BS - thats an interesting read. thanks

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