David Cam to up price on ya booze

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dinky2, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    See, I'm more than just a pretty face!
  3. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    I've tried them (Golden Virginia mostly) and they are rank!
    If you're a smoker it obvious as soon as you open the pack and spark-up but people will do anything for a "cheap" product.
    Buyer (should) beware!
  4. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Its harder to get hold of the machines to make the smokes than it used to be. Until quite recently, when a maker got past its economical efficiency best, the tobacco companies used to sell them; yes, seriously! Now they have to go through a fragmenter so they cant be used.
  5. Every day is a school day
  6. Stick together dont drink ;) ;)
  7. It's also what makes the recreational drugs market so dangerous, with no legality to it there are no regulations and no guarantee what you are actually taking and no 'recognised' brands or marketing per say to lead you to the right ones.
  8. There seems to have been a sharp rise in the cost for alcohol over the past 7 years. For that i can only apologise ;)
  9. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    trouble is, they're just going to keep putting the tax up, which the big supermarkets and pub chains will absorb into their profits as a lot of these products are loss leaders and keep selling it so cheap, whereas struggling pubs will have to put their prices up and lose custom. i know it sounds daft, but i don't think supermarkets should be allowed to sell products at a loss as its killing smaller shops and pubs!
  10. ^^^ totally agree with you...

    I distribute chocolate to the retail sector and see them struggle every day to compete on price with the supermarkets.

    Obviously Tesco's et al have a much higher buying power so can afford cheaper prices but they also work on the principle that they can have loss leaders knowing that you will go in their store and buy more than just that one item...

    However, they could argue that the smaller independents are also able to do that, it is a free country.

    But it won't be the supermarkets that absorb any rises, they will just pass it down to the supplier / manufacturer knowing that they have such big buying power that they will just have to accept it. Dealing with some of the large multiples at the moment is murder, they want massive profit margins so they can keep their shareholders / bosses happy but don't care that you'll make nothing out of the deal.

    I actually had a discussion with one yesterday and they said 'the company has decided that it will not be accepting product price rises from it's suppliers this year', 'and, we will be looking to extend our credit terms with you so will now only pay you after 90 days', finished off with, 'if the product doesn't sell we will expect you to take any left overs back, at your expense.'

    So, I replied with, 'I take the increase of costs, get paid slower and have to take responsibility for you not being able to sell the product, can I ask what is in it for me?' to which he replied, 'you get to have your product in xxxx, isn't that enough!'.

    Sorry, I'm out...
  12. If the government's main concern is the cost to the NHS et al then would it not make sense to resort back to the opening times we used to have in the olden days. It was never trouble free back then but nothing like it is now.Thats my tuppence a'penny worth.
  13. Thats no way to keep your inflation figures down david. ::)
  14. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    It gets worse I'm sorry to inform you but the beer you buy to drink at home or when camping is going soft.

    3 or 4 of the big brewers are cut the % of achool so they pay less duty and we get weaker beer at the same cost.

    They reckon it will taste the same

    so keep an eye out when buying as its changing soon

    I heard this on Radio 4 the other week.
  15. The real trouble is that whilst the supermarkets peddling cheap alcohol get away scot free the pubs and the clubs continued to get hammered for anti social behaviour, exclusion zones, oppresive license conditions, extra costs etc. I'm hoping in part Cameron wants to reverse this just a little.

    Pubs used to be the centre of the community, but seeing we dont generally do community here in the UK so not surprising that Supermarkets thrive people lock themselves in doors and pubs are closing.
  16. Putting up the price of booze to curb binge drinking is not the answer. The problem's with our society. The problem's in the way kids are brought up, regarding alcohol. It's demonised in this country. And it's why this problem is only associated to the British, to the extent which it is? I don't see it anywhere else in the world. Sure, people get drunk all over the world. But binge drinking is only associated to the UK. Tell a lie, I did once see it in Sydney. Then I realised it was a group of Brits.
  17. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Binge drinking is for some reason only assosciated with the UK, probably because our media have given it a name.
    It happens everywhere.
  18. I think more people may end up doing home brews .... I am not a massive drinker - but I like a cider whilst camping or a wine at the weekend with my meals. It's a shame the government view alcohol as the problem - it's not.

    It;s the people who abuse it
  19. We run a pub and have just had to increase our prices for a pint by 20p, brewery price increases now and to allow for the budget which will no doubt see another hike in tax. Luckly we are the cheepest pub around us so are still making a living ok but how long before we see a £4 pint, the super markets are killing the pub trade, 3 crates for £20 or 6 pints in the pub for simillar money. I'm a pipe fitter and have worked on all supermarket chains over the years and as of tomorrow i'm redundant as the company goes into liquidation because the supermarkets have screwed the building trade to breaking point, they tell you what they are gonna pay for a job and if you dont like it tough they just move to the next contractor. Tesco have simply become too powerful, they build shops without planning permission knowing full well if the council objects they just appeal as many times as they need to knowing full well that the council will run out of money to object long before tesco do. Making 1% profit works for them cos they turn over billions each year but they dont give a toss if everyone else only makes 1% which in the real world is simply usless to any normal size company, hence why i'm now redundant. Pubs were and still are the cornerstone of many comunities, for some of our older customers its probably the only time they socialise and get out and about. A pub is so much more than somewhere just to go and drink, its just not the same sitting on your own at home with a can of beer watching the footy, the atmosphere a good pub creates is infectious and promotes a feeling of well being and good times you simply cant recreate sat on your sofa. Long live the local pub. I'm now searching for a job that does not involve me with the facist bully boy supermarkets.
  20. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]


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