
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dicky, Oct 4, 2011.

  1. IMF - he say more quantative easing and less austerity. Lets hope the Dave is for turning - growth 0.5% and falling - recession on the horizon and he doesnt want us to spend any money. Painted into a corner.......

    I blame the last Labour Government for being crap at getting re-elected just to get shut of Brown. Thank god weve got Millibland! :'(
  2. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

  3. We have by definition, i.e. growth in the economy. The stagnation and zero or negative growth for successive quarters defines the recession but I take your point. 800,000 more souls in the UK on the dole unless I mis-heard this morning.
  4. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    The trouble is, who puts the figures together?
    The construction industry is normally the first to suffer and the first to recover. No real signs of recovery yet. There is work out there but companies are killing themselves to win the contracts!
  6. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Not negative at all. Just making the point that although the media will have us believe we have left recession behind; we havent.
  9. To be honest the political system here is just wrong. Every political party, whatever colour, simply looks at the short term and 'lets keep our voters happy so we stay in power'. No one thinks well if we did this we'd annoy a few people now but in 5 years time we'll be laughing.

    Look at the US and the struggle Obama has had just to get people free healthcare, for something that they get FREE there is such resistance to it because its new and different...

    I admire the Tories for taking the bull by the horns and trying to get us out of this mess by tackling it head on but I wish politicians would stop their sniping of the other party and join forces to help us all out...
  10. :yeah that:

    i went to the states for a big family reunion last year (My GF's from Detroit).
    Subject of a national health service came up and the level of paranoia and misinformation they'd been fed was astonishing.
    I just said that surely a system that helps people live when they are at their most vulnerable rather than leaving them to a slow death because they don't have the right level of health insurance is one of the markers of a civilised society..
    The republicans werent happy because I was an ever so polite guest with a quaint english accent and therefore credible.

    Agreed, the spectrum of politics today across the parties is so narrow, every party seems to be a wing of the Tory party whose only concern is to be elected at any cost (look how the lib dems prostituted themselves, its just embarrasing)

  11. The Who summed it up pretty well me thinks:
    "Here's the new boss, same as the old boss."

    Doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always get in!

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