Newbie alert

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourselves' started by Mabel, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. Aaaarrrgghhhhh!!!!!! forget about tomorrow. She's now misfiring and has got to stay in for another day to get the carb clean. Will i ever get off the "introduce yourself" board.........
  2. Nice bus welcome aboard
  3. Woo hoo! She's home from VW Downunder so I can start gutting her tomorrow ................................except the weather people have forecast 15cm of snow overnight :mad: and I am not sitting out in that . Next weekend the big clean up begins methinks. Thinking of putting in one of Rusty Lees full width beds so we can get out and about so have enquired about that. Need some sun visors and a set of window winders - gonna pop over to ebay to see whats about. My sliding door keeps catching on the door frame so if I do one thing tomorrow it'll be sorting that out and then sitting in front of the fire with my Haynes manual for some light reading. Feels like it's mine now ;D
  4. Right this is officially my last post under the "introduce yourself" thread as you've seen the photos of my ride. I've taken Mrs Mabel on her first drive in the van this evening - note to self, brake light bulb offside needs replacing and need to tighten up drivers wing mirror - she loved it and to cap things off, as we hoved round the corner towards home an early t2 went whizzing past with a wave and a thumbs up. Made my evening - with your blessings good folk of TLB, I would like to make that event the official first South Hornchurch Dubfest 2012.

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