The All New, New "What have you done to your Bay today" thread.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, Aug 27, 2015.

  1. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    I can wire up a bus but these guys talk another language.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2022
    snotty likes this.
  2. Nonsense. It's just wires and switches.

    Wait till we get on to third-order Chebyshev filters and Fourier transforms.
    DubCat and F_Pantos like this.
  3. Oooh, I like a good polynomial:thumbsup:
  4. Poles and zeros :thumbsup:
    F_Pantos likes this.
  5. Prepped and pained the dash, nice satin black.

    rob.e, Iain McAvoy, Day and 11 others like this.
  6. I know what it means
    it’s ah Umm err ahh yes
  7. That is it, basically. Except R might be an impedance, in which case it's a Z.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2022
    Pedro del monkeybike likes this.
  8. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    The concentrate I found was based on ethanediol..(ethylene glycol) not as drinkable and more effective.

    Some of the screenwashes would be drinkable with ethanol.. but these days they add bittering agents..
  9. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    I used to know enough of this to set up a servo system on probably the first DVD-ROM drive mechanism (machined aluminium parts instead of plasic) in the UK when I worked at Philips .. but I havent recently done much .. although my current work includes a motor speed servo for a pair of MTU 76 litre V16 diesel engines.. a total of 4400HP...on something that weighs 300 tonnes and is 55m long.
  10. I used to quite enjoy Control Theory. But I am a bit of a perv.
  11. DubCat

    DubCat Sponsor

    I rest my case :rolleyes:
    F_Pantos, scrooge95 and snotty like this.
  12. Pah. If it wasn't for this stuff, you'd still be hand-cranking your telephone.
  13. Here's something creepy (you might want to sit down). Some numbers are...imaginary :eek::eek::eek:

  14. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    I worked in the control eng dept of a firm that made production lines for Ford engines once. American firm in Mildenhall, they had no windows so employees wouldn't be distracted. Horrible place, I lasted a few months then moved on. And/nor etc. Then a place that made satellite imagine processing computers where I was helping with the non-existent documention on multi million £ machines. Customers were twitchy about the lack, it was all in ONE boffin's head - more flippin logic.
  15. Mr Nyquist wants you to look at his diagram (which looks curiously like a big bottom <snigger>).

    Little Nellie and F_Pantos like this.
  16. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    What's it for? I've only come across nyquist in relation to digital analogue conversion and avoiding reflected frequencies (aliasing). That looks like something else?
  17. Tell 'em about Euler, Snotty. That will fox 'em :thumbsup:
    Pedro del monkeybike likes this.
  18. You mean what Euler should I use?
  19. 8914C3E0-BC0B-48F1-92E2-27F84E961642.jpeg
    What that spoon matey?.. I’m still foxed by this :D
    philntfc likes this.
  20. Macadamia nut oil:thumbsup:
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2022

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